Will I become a Millionaire? 

Day Whatever

So much for taking action! What is wrong with me? Why can't I figure out how to make money. I've been learning as much as I can, watching Youtube gurus (my tightness doesn't let me pay for any courses, I'm like - I can learn this on Youtube). I want to start my own business, do my own thing but my brain feels like it's in a permanent freeze. Too many options cause anxiety, too little cause stress/sadness. One of the Youtube gurus said that and it certainly resonates. I have lots of ideas but then start fearing that if I choose the wrong one, 3-4 years down the line of investing all the time in effort, I realise that it wasn't the right route. And from what I've been told, you need to keep going, be consistent, continue no matter what, be the last man standing - and then you will win. But that IS the fear. What if I continue and keep pushing for a stupid idea/thing that will never work. I've wasted my 20s. Didn't think personal development was even a thing. Was told to just get a good job which I did. So anyway, I am a decade behind and feeling the pressure I guess. 

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Day 2

Day 2: Spent more money than I earned by going out to eat and drink. Wasn't essential. Could have invested that 40 quid into stocks and what not. LoL.

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Step by Step on How I will Become a Millionaire

I have decided that I will be a millionaire. How you may ask. Truth is, I don't know. But I am going to document every day everything I do, so if anyone ever stumbles across this blog and I have been successful in my feat, they can replicate it. 

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We Can All Do With a Bit of Manifestation in Our Lives 

Merry & Bright Christmas Topics 

5 Original Christmas Gift Ideas for Men

I have always found gifting to men notoriously difficult be it my husband, my brother or my dad. The clichéd fallbacks throughout the years have been: socks, ties, cufflinks, silly Christmas jumpers, underwear, cologne (one that they will probably never wear anyway) and food items.

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Vegan & UPF Free Topics

Living life on 30 day challenge at a time

10 Books for a 30 day "read more" challenge 

1. Magic by Rhonda James

2. Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

3. Level Up by Rol Dal

4. Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

5. Atomic Habits by James 

6. Ultra Processed People by Chris Van Tulleken

7. Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

8. Grit by Angela Ducksworth 

9. Radical Candour by Kim Scott 

10. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell 


How many have you read? Any other recommendations?